Our Mission
Technology System Solutions is a non-profit organization committed to helping the under-resourced neighborhoods, and the organizations that serve them, have access to and use of information and communication technology.
Premised on the belief that substantive, supported access to technology will be a powerful catalysts and incentive for all to pursue their life, education and employment goals, our mission is to ensure that all families regardless of income, have access to information technology and the capacity to take advantage of the academic, economic, and social opportunities that today’s technology affords.
Our History
Technology System Solutions was born out of the idea to help bring awareness about the digital divide.
We are seeking over 50 used computers donated by individuals and businesses which will allow Technology System Solutions to create and complete at least 25 complete computer systems to donate. These PCs will be given to those who could not afford home computers.
Our Impact
The idea that some information and communication technologies are vital to quality civic life is not new. The internet and other technology advances have transformed our society, improved our understanding, and eliminated major gaps in society as well as, educated the uneducated and shown many other benefits to those who have partaken. Technology System Solutions believe that computers and computer networks play an increasingly important role in peoples learning and career, so that education should include that of computing and use of the technologies. Without such offerings, the existing digital divide works unfairly to the people in the lower socioeconomic status.